I try not to read too much of a synopsis about a book before I crack the cover because I don't want to have the plot spoiled. I prefer to allow the story to unfold as the writer intended. Sometimes that means I'm confused for a bit, but I find having a little faith and turning the pages will get me there before long. That was how I approached Odette by Jessica Duchen. I knew it was some sort of modern fairy tale, but that was it. I won't share too much and ruin it for you, but I want to pique your interest.
Mitzi is a struggling freelance reporter, living in a tiny apartment in London, when a swan comes crashing through her front window during a bizarre and unprecedented storm. Mitzi cares for the swan as best she can and is shocked when at sunset the swan turns into a beautiful young woman named Odette. Mitzi does what she can to help Odette, letting her stay with her and becoming her friend, but the one thing Odette can't escape is the curse that turns her into a bird every morning at dawn.
Maybe this already sounds familiar to you, but whether it does or doesn't, this book is worth reading. It was beautifully written with charming characters and plenty of magic, both the fairy tale kind and the friendship kind. I was a little saddened that the ending flew up so quickly, leaving me wanting more, but maybe that's a good thing. I think fairy tales are a wonderful distraction from the real world so I hope you'll give this one a try.
*This Advanced Reader Copy was provided to me by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for and honest review.*
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