Saturday, March 3, 2018

The Party by Robyn Harding

Public Service Announcement!

It is OKAY to not finish a book you aren't enjoying!

The Party by Robyn Harding sounded fascinating. A Sweet Sixteen party-gone quite wrong. Four friends are sleeping over at Hannah's house to celebrate her birthday. As teenagers are wont to do, rules are broken, an accident occurs, chaos ensues. Who is to blame for the damage done? The girls? The hosting parents?

It sounded interesting, but I just couldn't finish it. I did try to give it a fair chance; I read to 34%. I think that's pretty fair. It started out interestingly enough, alternating between different points of view, some adult, some teenage girl, but what made me crazy was that I just didn't like any of the characters. I can't stand to read a book knowing a character is about to make a really stupid decision. I don't want to be irritated by the people in books I read and that is all this was. Sure, teenagers are going to make stupid mistakes, but the adults should know better. And if, as adults, you don't like the person to whom you are married, or the people with whom you associate, move on! I know not every marriage is perfect and not every friendship is a best friendship, but these people are insufferable. And so I decided to go ahead and cut ties with this book, I to leave The Party early.

This book has mixed reviews on GoodReads. Some people really enjoyed it so maybe I'm wrong, but I'm okay with that. Now it is time to move on to something else, hopefully something better.

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