The Light We Lost by Jill Santopolo follows Lucy Carter Maxwell through thirteen years of her life after meeting and immediately falling in love with Gabriel Samson. They first day they meet in college is September 11th, 2001, at Columbia University. They watch the horrors of that emotional day together and a fiery bond is formed between them that seems to be unbreakable. Unfortunately, something that heated doesn't always have the smoothest of paths. Told in 2nd person, Lucy recounts to Gabe the history of their relationship, both the times they were together and those they weren't. Gabe listens with the most long-suffering patience.
I liked this book, but I didn't love it. Lucy is real and makes real mistakes, which makes for a relatable character, but some of which I really disliked. Gabe is passionate, both in his relationships and also in his career. Lucy is unsure who she is and sometimes what she really wants. I liked the 2nd person format, but there were several times it occurred to me that certain situations she was describing were not things she would be likely to tell a person not present on the occasion. She didn't seem able to speak up for what she wanted in her life, whether that was because she didn't know or because she was afraid to make her opinion known.
This book was chicklit, and while that isn't my favorite genre, it does have its place occasionally. For those of you who do enjoy a little chicklit, occasionally or more frequently, I think you'll like this one. It was a very quick read and it was easy to get into it. It would fit nicely in your vacation travel bag.
This book was chicklit, and while that isn't my favorite genre, it does have its place occasionally. For those of you who do enjoy a little chicklit, occasionally or more frequently, I think you'll like this one. It was a very quick read and it was easy to get into it. It would fit nicely in your vacation travel bag.
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