Wednesday, June 30, 2021

My Lovely Wife by Samantha Downing

Oh, the things we don't know about our marriage partner until it is too late. In Samantha Downing's My Lovely Wife, a happily married couple have a highly unusual (one hopes) past time- murder. Told from the perspective of the husband, we watch as they plan and execute (pun intended) the kidnapping and murders of two women. Because they get off on it! These are not good people.

And yet, from the outside they seem perfectly lovely. The wife is a successful real estate agent and the husband teaches tennis to wealthy clients at the local country club. They have two teenage children who seem relatively well-adjusted. This is a normal family, but maybe that's what makes it all the more frightening.

This book was... okay. I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it either. I don't usually love dark thrillers where everyone is just varying degrees of flawed. I don't need perfect characters, but in this there weren't any likable ones either. It was a little like Gone Girl in that way. Because I needed to finish this quickly for book club, I pushed on much more than I probably would have otherwise. I never felt like I couldn't wait to get back to it, but that isn't what I've heard from my friends. They stayed up late reading, unable to stop until they got to the end. Maybe I'm right. Maybe they are. Who knows, but I'd love to hear what you think!



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