Friday, April 27, 2018

What I've Heard- Watch Me Disappear

I really enjoyed reading Watch Me Disappear by Janelle Brown last summer and listening to the audiobook was just as good. When I finished reading it, I was left with my head spinning. Listening to the audio version allowed me to see what was going on that I totally missed the first time through this wild journey. Billie is an avid outdoorswoman, but she breaks the simple rule of not hiking alone. When she doesn't return from one such trip her family is left with more questions than answers.

This book is exciting and fun and it will keep your attention to the very end. Mostly read by Tavia Gilbert, the narration is really good. Part of the book, however, is read by Kaleo Griffith. He is fine when he is reading the words of Jonathan, Billie's husband, but when he reads any female voice it is a little like nails on a chalkboard to me. Some male narrators can handle female voicing. Jim Dale, for instance, is wonderful. Mostly though, I find that it just doesn't work for me. Fortunately, Griffith's parts are very short and soon allow us to return to the much more pleasing Tavia Gilbert.

I've recommended this book to so many people over the last few months. Please allow me to do the same with you. I think you'll really enjoy it.

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