Friday, August 19, 2011

Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick

Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick is the sequel to Hush, Hush which I read earlier this summer.  I wasn't crazy about that one, and I can't really recommend this one either.  To be honest when I first began Crescendo, I actually considered not reading it.  Hush, Hush was okay, but not great and a bit juvenile. I know that probably sounds funny coming from someone who so often reads YA.  The sequel didn't give me the impression that it was going to be much better.  I enjoyed it, I read it very quickly, I wanted to find out what would happen, but it wasn't great writing.  All that aside, I did put my name on the waiting list for the third in the series.  It's not due out until October, but there are already 59 people on the list ahead of me.  I'll get it when I get it and I'll probably be sucked back in, but I'll probably be rolling my eyes at myself the whole time.  Oh, well.  A little fluff now and then won't hurt me. 

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